Promoting Wellness. Building Community.
Apps for Relaxation and Stress Relief
Headspace: website/app offering mindfulness and meditation exercises (2 week free trial available); https://www.headspace.com/
Headspace is offering a free year of Headspace Plus to health care workers with an NPI number; https://www.headspace.com/health-covid-19
Ten Percent: meditation app, also offering free access to health care workers; https://www.tenpercent.com/coronavirussanityguide
Calm: Seven-day free trial. A meditation, sleep, and relaxation app that also provides resources specifically for coping with COVID-19 anxiety.
Stop, Breathe & Think: Always free, and for kids too.
Insight Timer: Always free. This is not a daily app, but rather a great library where you can search for various types of meditations and lengths by excellent teachers.
10% Happier: Free and paid options available. Health care providers can use redemption code HEALTHCARE to unlock all content.
UCLA Mindful App: Free and has meditation by Diana Winston.
AtentaMente: meditación y felicidad
Coping with stress and anxiety
Ginger: Free behavioral health coaching for health care clinicians who are directly supporting COVID-19 patients (free through June).
Sanvello: Clinically validated techniques for reducing stress and treating anxiety and depression (free premium access during COVID-19 pandemic).
Happify: Some free content, including stress reduction and cognitive techniques to address anxiety.
MindShift CBT: Free content, including cognitive behavioral therapy strategies to address general worry, social anxiety, and panic.
CBT-I Coach: VA developed free app for CBT for insomnia; https://mobile.va.gov/app/cbt-i-coach
Balance is a guided meditation app that is offering to give everyone a free yearly subscription this month, send an email to access@balanceapp.com; https://www.balanceapp.com/
Other App Options: Calm, breathe2relax, Insight Timer
Cognitive Behavioral Strategies
Mood Gym
Exercise when you have no time
FitnessBlender (YouTube)
Daily Mood Ratings
Daylio, iMoodJournal